The Number of Token Sales Keeps Rising

Bitcoin is a revolutionary invention of the last decade. Its essential meaning is money digitization. It became the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment

  • Positioning - we do benchmarking
  • Roadshow - we organize private investor
Token Ends In:
Raised: $42,906.50$85m

Softcap in 2458 days

0 +
Projects Consulted
0 +
Mobile Apps
0 +
Instant Exchange
0 +
Easy & Secure

How does it work?

Using Bitcoin according to your desire will be full with one of digital wallets. They give unlimited opportunities

Bearer Ecash

Replacing currency

No Permissions

Nature of Bitcoin


Feature is what Bitcoin


Attribute of any money



Use progressive technologies!

Earning money from Bitcoin has taken various forms

Trading Bitcoins and Mining

Bitcoin is a revolutionary invention of the last decade

Choose a Reliable Bitcoin Wallet

Digital wallets have been the form of payment

Invest your money safely!

Having successfully defended $16,000 this week.

Learn How to Earn Money

The Easiest Ways to Get Free Bitcoins Are Here!

How to buy Tokens

With its help you can foresee how much you wish to invest and how much profit you will receive.

Name Price:Big Pre-Sale March 12, 2018, Friday 9:00 AM
Hard Cap:$5 000 000
Exchange Rate:1 ETH = up to 300,000 STMX

Our Teamship

Bitcoin is a virtual currency that uses cryptographic encryption system.

Albert Green

With an expertise in strategy and business model.

Mart Wallis

Mark was appointed Head of Marketing at ICOnyx.

Sam Nickson

Sam joined ICOnyx in February 2012.

David Linkoln

David was appointed Director of ICOnyx in 2009.

Our Projects

Perfectly developed mobile apps will open you new opportunities in cryptocurrency mining and trading.


There options to purchase gift cards with bitcoin

Gift Cards
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Frequently Asked Questions

Digital wallets have been the primary form of payment for a while now and Bitcoin.

Q. Cryptocurrency - Who Are Involved With It?

A. Since the moment of Bitcoin’s appearance, I started some kind of a heavy research about the people involved with it.

Q. Which cryptocurrency is best to buy today?


Buy Bitcoin – after your wallet has been downloaded you are able to buy bitcoin via an online exchange.

Q. Are There Taxes On Bitcoins?

A. Bitcoin is a virtual currency that uses cryptographic encryption system to facilitate secure transfers and storage.

Q. Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash: What's the Difference?

A. Since its inception, there have been questions surrounding Bitcoin’s ability to scale effectively

Q. Who Are Involved With It?

A. Since the moment of Bitcoin’s appearance, I started some kind of a heavy research about the people involved

Latest Blog

Digital wallets have been the primary form of payment for a while now and Bitcoin.
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